GEN TEFL Journal Volume 4 (2019)
E-ISSN 2520 209X
Development and Validation of Contextualized Remediation Workbook in General Mathematics for TVL Senior High School Students
Marjohn C. Mantawil and Jay D. Buscano
This study primarily aimed to develop and to validate a contextualized remediation workbook in General Mathematics specifically for Technical-Vocational-Livelihood students to help improve their academic performance in the said learning area. The topics included in the Workbook were solving rational equations, graphs of rational functions, solving exponential equations and inequalities, graphs of exponential functions, solving logarithmic equations and inequalities, and graphs of logarithmic functions. This study employed a Research and Development (R & D) design. Three groups of validators such as ten Mathematics Teachers, ten Mathematics Master Teachers and ten Learning Resources Management and Development System (LRMDS) Members evaluated the contextualized remediation Workbook according to its level of validity and acceptability using an adopted validation tool. Mean and One-Way Analysis of Variance were used in the statistical treatment. Based on the results, the Contextualized Remediation Workbook was very much valid and very much acceptable. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the level of validity and acceptability among the mean responses of the three groups of evaluators. It was recommended that other teachers should also develop contextualized materials to help create more meaningful teaching and learning experiences.
Date of publication: 15 December 2019
E-ISSN 2520 209X
Development and Validation of Contextualized Remediation Workbook in General Mathematics for TVL Senior High School Students
Marjohn C. Mantawil and Jay D. Buscano
This study primarily aimed to develop and to validate a contextualized remediation workbook in General Mathematics specifically for Technical-Vocational-Livelihood students to help improve their academic performance in the said learning area. The topics included in the Workbook were solving rational equations, graphs of rational functions, solving exponential equations and inequalities, graphs of exponential functions, solving logarithmic equations and inequalities, and graphs of logarithmic functions. This study employed a Research and Development (R & D) design. Three groups of validators such as ten Mathematics Teachers, ten Mathematics Master Teachers and ten Learning Resources Management and Development System (LRMDS) Members evaluated the contextualized remediation Workbook according to its level of validity and acceptability using an adopted validation tool. Mean and One-Way Analysis of Variance were used in the statistical treatment. Based on the results, the Contextualized Remediation Workbook was very much valid and very much acceptable. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the level of validity and acceptability among the mean responses of the three groups of evaluators. It was recommended that other teachers should also develop contextualized materials to help create more meaningful teaching and learning experiences.
Date of publication: 15 December 2019